mypythontools_cicd.venvs package

Module that will help with virtual environments so it’s possible to work with venv from python. You can create, delete or update dependencies.

class mypythontools_cicd.venvs.Venv(venv_path: Union[Path, str], with_wsl: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

You can create new venv or sync it’s dependencies.


Path of venv. E.g. venv




If working with linux venv from linux.


bool, optional


>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> import subprocess
>>> from mypythontools.system import is_wsl
>>> path = "venv/doctest/3.10" if platform.system() == "Windows" and not is_wsl() else "venv/doctest/wsl-3.10"
>>> venv = Venv(path)

Create venv. Skip if exists

>>> venv.create()

Install one library with

>>> venv.install_library("colorama==0.3.9")
>>> "colorama==0.3.9" in venv.list_packages()

Sync requirements that are in requirements file (also remove if not in requirements)

>>> venv.sync_requirements(verbosity=0, path=PROJECT_PATHS.root)  # There ia a 0.4.4 in requirements.txt
>>> "colorama==0.4.4" in venv.list_packages()

You can use this venv from different venv with subprocess

>>> result ="{venv.activate_prefix_command} pip list", capture_output=True, shell=True).stdout
>>> "colorama" in str(result)

Remove venv with

>>> venv.remove()
>>> Path(path).exists()
activate_prefix_command: str

This command will activate venv. It also contains shell like e.g. &&, so next command needs to be defined if using in subprocess.

create(verbose: bool = False) None[source]

Create virtual environment. If it already exists, it will be skipped and nothing happens.


verbose (bool, optional) – If True, result of terminal command will be printed to console. Defaults to False.

create_command: str

Command that can be used to create venv.

executable: Path

Path to Python executable (e.g. Python.exe).

executable_str: str

Path to Python executable in posix string form.

get_script_path(name: str) str[source]

Get script path such as pip for example.

install_library(name: str, verbose: bool = False, upgrade: bool = False, path: None | PathLike = None) None[source]

Install package to venv with pip install.

You can use extras with square brackets.

  • name (str) – Name of installed library.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, result of terminal command will be printed to console. Defaults to False.

  • upgrade (bool, optional) – Update flag. If True, then latest is installed. If False, and already exists, it’s skipped. Defaults to False

  • path (None | Pathlike, optional) – If installing from local path, this is path from where you can use relative paths. Defaults to None.

installed: bool

Whether venv is installed on defined path. Inferred just in init - static variable.

list_packages() str[source]

Get list of installed libraries in the venv.

The reason why it’s meta coded via string parsing and not parsed directly is that it needs to be available from other venv as well.

remove() None[source]

Remove the folder with venv.

scripts_path: Path

Path to scripts like for example pip or black.


Run as module, so library can be directly call afterwards. Can be directly used in terminal. It can look like this for example:

.../Scripts/activate.bat && .../venv/Scripts/python.exe -m
sync_requirements(requirements_files: None | Literal['infer'] | PathLike | Sequence[PathLike] = 'infer', requirements: None | list[str] = None, verbosity: Literal[0, 1, 2] = 1, path: PathLike = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/')) None[source]

Sync libraries based on requirements. Install missing, remove unnecessary.

  • requirements_files (Literal["infer"] | PathLike | Sequence[PathLike], optional) – Define what libraries will be installed. If “infer”, autodetected. Can also be a list of more files e.g [“requirements.txt”, “requirements_dev.txt”]. Defaults to “infer”.

  • requirements (list[str], optional) – List of requirements. Defaults to None.

  • verbosity (Literal[0, 1, 2], optional) – If 0, prints nothing, if 1, then one line description of what happened is printed. If 3, all the results from terminal are printed. Defaults to 1.

  • path (PathLike, optional) – If using just names or relative path, and not found, define the root. It’s also necessary when using another referenced files. If inferring files, it’s used to search. Defaults to PROJECT_PATHS.root.

uninstall_library(name: str, verbose: bool = False) None[source]

Uninstall package to venv with pip install.

  • name (str) – Name of library to uninstall.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, result of terminal command will be printed to console. Defaults to False.


Path to venv prefix, e.g. …/venv

mypythontools_cicd.venvs.is_venv() bool[source]

True if run in venv, False if run in main interpreter directly.

mypythontools_cicd.venvs.prepare_venvs(path: None | PathLike = 'venv', versions: Sequence[str] = ['3.7', '3.10', 'wsl-3.7', 'wsl-3.10'], verbosity: Literal[0, 1, 2] = 1)[source]

This will install virtual environments with defined versions.

Installation will be skipped if there is already existing folder with content. It is possible tu use wsl on windows. You have to install python launcher when using linux or wsl. More about python-launcher

  • path (None | PathLike) – Where venvs will be stored. If None, cwd() will be used. Defaults to “venv”.

  • versions (Sequence[str], optional) – List of used versions. If you want to use wsl, add wsl- prefix like for example wsl-3.7. Defaults to [“3.7”, “3.10”, “wsl-3.7”, “wsl-3.10”].

  • verbosity (Literal[0, 1, 2], optional) – If 0, prints nothing, if 1, then one line description of what happened is printed. If 3, all the results from terminal are printed. Defaults to 1.